Saturday, February 28, 2015

Made a new hemp bracelet

This time with a new technique. It's definitely a little rough, but I like the way it looks! 

Another bracelet

Which is actually another version of the same bracelet I made earlier, but in a different base color. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

Added another bracelet

These are so easy to make and they look so dainty and beautiful. Love it! 

Hemp Bracelet number 2

This time, I tried to be a little bit fancier by trying the trickier square knot, as opposed to the simple braid. It worked! I also added a bead to make it a little more visually appealing. This was a bit tricky because the bead wasn't circular, but with a little bit of glue I was able to get the string to stay in place. First picture is of the bracelet I made today, second picture is the two bracelets together.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hemp Bracelet Attempt 1

After coming back from Fiji, I've wanted to recreate the "stacked bracelet" look. Now because my wrists are tiny, traditional bracelets tend to fall off, so I decided to make some hemp bracelets instead. There was also someone on base who had the stacked hemp bracelet look, and she looked gorgeous, so why not copy a pretty thing?

Attempt 1:

A simple braided bracelet with 3 beads strung in. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

Back from Fiji!

And let me tell you, I miss it like none other.

Silana Village, you were too kind to me. Even with the roosters crowing at 3:40 in the morning, and the dogs barking whenever they pleased, and the frogs pooping in the middle of the room, I wish I was back on base. Being with 30 other people, all who come from different places, have experienced different things, and have different plans for the future was amazing. There's so much to learn from everyone (and lemme tell you, I learned some key German phrases) that I wish I was back. And my class at Navunisea District School was the best. Super sassy and sweet, and eager to learn.

See you when I see you, Fiji.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

MIA for two weeks


I'll be away from a computer for about 2 weeks, so there will be no cool infographics, unfortunately.

However, I did do some scripting today, and while I didn't have time to create an infographic, here's what I discovered:

There are 2 Warlock mech cards
The Warlock mech cards are:
['Anima Golem', 'Fel Cannon']

There are 4 Warrior mech cards
The Warrior mech cards are:
['Iron Juggernaut', 'Screwjank Clunker', 'Siege Engine', 'Warbot']

There are 2 Paladin mech cards
The Paladin mech cards are:
['Cobalt Guardian', 'Shielded Minibot']

There are 2 Priest mech cards
The Priest mech cards are:
['Shadowboxer', 'Upgraded Repair Bot']

There are 1 Hunter mech cards
The Hunter mech cards are:
['Metaltooth Leaper']

There are 2 Druid mech cards
The Druid mech cards are:
['Anodized Robo Cub', 'Mech-Bear-Cat']

There are 2 Rogue mech cards
The Rogue mech cards are:
['Goblin Auto-Barber', 'Iron Sensei']

There are 1 Shaman mech cards
The Shaman mech cards are:
['Whirling Zap-o-matic']

There are 3 Mage mech cards
The Mage mech cards are:
['Flame Leviathan', 'Snowchugger', 'Soot Spewer']

There are 27 Neutral mech cards
The Neutral mech cards are:
 'Harvest Golem',
 'Antique Healbot',
 'Arcane Nullifier X-21',
 'Blingtron 3000',
 'Clockwork Giant',
 'Clockwork Gnome',
 'Enhance-o Mechano',
 'Explosive Sheep',
 'Fel Reaver',
 'Flying Machine',
 'Foe Reaper 4000',
 'Force-Tank MAX',
 'Mechanical Yeti',
 'Mekgineer Thermaplugg',
 'Micro Machine',
 "Mimiron's Head",
 'Piloted Shredder',
 'Piloted Sky Golem',
 "Sneed's Old Shredder",
 'Spider Tank',
 'Target Dummy']

Monday, February 2, 2015

Mech Mechanics

Hi! I was curious about how many Mechs had various "mechanics" - taunts, deathrattles, battlecries, etc - so I created an infographic with the "mechanic" and then pictures of cards that had aforementioned "mechanic" underneath. Enjoy!

Hearthstone Mech Stats

Hi again!

So last time, I analyzed a single card. This time, I'm going to be analyzing a specific "race" of cards - specifically, the Mech cards.

Mech cards were added in the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion pack, and since then, there have been many "Mech decks" created - mostly with Mage. Part of what makes the Mech deck so fun to play is the fact that there is "substantial synergy" (quoting the Hearthstone Gamepedia here). And unlike other races, where it is advantageous to have as many of one race on the board as possible to create the maximum synergy (who can ever forget the days of the Timber Wolf + Starving Buzzard + Unleash the Hounds combo?), Mech synergy requires there to be only one friendly Mech on your board (Cogmaster and Goblin Blastmage, I'm looking at you here)

Mana Curve

    As you can see, unlike the overall minion mana curve, which was a left-centered bell curve, this one seems to have less structure, with the most minions around the 2-5 mana cost.

Looking at the extremes, the 0 mana minion happens to be the "Target Dummy" taunt, which has 0 attack and 2 health. The 12 mana minion happens to be one of the Giants; called the "Clockwork Giant", it has 8 attack and 8 health, and costs one less for every card in your opponent's hand. Oh, this would be magical against Priests.

Legendaries: There are 7 legendaries, not including the V-07-TR-ON, which is formed from another legendary + 3 mechs. That is a scary, scary minion.

Now I've realized that other than the graph, everything I've said is better said on the Gampedia site (and there are pictures of the cards), so tomorrow I will be doing a more in-depth analysis on Mechs (perhaps, even, create an infographic for the Mech class)