Thursday, September 13, 2012

First All-Nighter

Might actually happen tonight. Why, you ask? Well, I have a huge 213 assignment due Thursday midnight (ie, tonight), and while I currently have a 58/64, I would like a 62/64 (I've sort of given up on the 64/64 because, well, that's near impossible at the moment).

In addition to that, I also have two assignments due on Friday, neither of which I have started. So sleep will happen after I finish 213 tonight, and hopefully get one of the assignments out of the way.

Sleepless at CMU,
Brown CS Girl

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Long Hiatus from posting because


And by that I mean, the first week of school is over! First week of sophomore year, done. 

And with that, the school work begins. I've been doing well so far, although 213 has been kicking my butt, so hopefully I get somewhere with it soon. 

Short and sweet, 
Brown CS Girl