Thursday, June 28, 2012

Euro Cup Finals....

will be between Spain and Italy.

I was personally hoping for a Germany vs Spain  match, but truth be told, Italy played fantastically today (Mario Balotelli, where did you come from?) and definitely deserved the win.

The Champions of Europe will be decided on Sunday. Who are you rooting for?

Always rooting for La Roja,
Brown CS girl 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Congratulations Spain!

For those of you who don't know, I am a huge football (soccer) fan, and I absolutely love the Spanish national team.

And today, they beat Portugal 4-2 in penalties to secure their spot in the finals.

Well done la roja! You deserved it :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Coding playlist!

Some of us are lucky enough to be able to listen to music while we work. And, considering that's how I used to work during the school year as well, I have a "go to" playlist that ensures maximum efficiency while coding (sometimes).

1. Kid Cudi's Man on the Moon album: The entire thing. I love it. Somehow Kid Cudi is able to strike the perfect balance between the spoken and sung parts of his songs. My personal favorites are Heart of a Lion and Pursuit of Happiness. Fun fact: I once listened to Pursuit of Happiness for 3 hours, and solved 3 251 problems in that time span.

2. Cinema by Skrillex - So I was never much of a dubstep fan, but being at a nerd school like CMU, one of the few constants during the school year is that someone will always be playing it. And that's how I was introduced to this song. Occasionally a little loud, Cinema is a great song to listen to if you're frustrated and want to throw something at your computer.

3. The Intro by xx - Ominous, cool sounding. That's pretty much the reason I listen to this.

After this, it really depends on what songs I'm hooked on. Right now it's Katy Perry's Wide Awake and *gasp* Justin Bieber's Boyfriend.

Please don't judge me,
Brown CS girl 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Web links for the bored

So Mondays are the days that our releases are well, released. While this means that my boss is extremely busy making sure that everything that we fixed over the week are actually correct, both me and the intern are the exact opposite of that. And doing "nothing" for 8 hours is extremely boring. And it's impossible to Facebook/Gmail/do-social-media-related-things for 8 hours. Which is why I have a list of links that I go to cure my boredom.

1) - Not only are you curing boredom, but you're also helping end world hunger, 10 grains of rice at a time! For every question you answer correctly, FreeRice donates 10 grains of rice to the World Food Programme. The questions are in various categories, ranging from SAT prep to English Vocabulary to Basic Math. In order to track your progress over time as see how much rice you've donated in total, you have to create an account, but you can easily play as a guest as well. I'm currently at 29,380 grains, and hoping to reach 50,000 grains.

2) - We've all used wikipedia when we need information, but sometimes, it's fun to just visit the website, and click on the "Random Article" link on the left hand side of Wikipedia's home page. To get there from the link, click on your preferred language, and you can find the "Random Article" link on the left. Many times, the articles that the Random Article link links you too will remind you of a topic that you wanted to read about at one point, and now, with all of your free time, you finally have time to read about it. For instance, today, I remembered that I wanted to know more about the Knights Templar, and spent 15 minutes reading just about the history of the order. Boredom somewhat cured!

3) WikiGame - Somewhat along the same lines as #2, this link points the Speed Race part of the WikiGame website. You're given a wikipedia page to start at, and using the links in that page and subsequent pages, you need to make it to the "goal page" of that round. And you compete against other people to see who can get there the fastest, which is possibly the best part of this game if you're an extremely competitive person (cough me). The last few rounds have been from Iceland to ABBA (which was solved in three clicks- Iceland-Sweden-ABBA), Linear Regression to Walrus, and Toronto Raptors to Tibetan Scripts. Pro tip if you're reading this blog: if you can't find an obvious connection between to the two topics, try to get to the United States (or another country's) page, because that links to a variety of topics.

Hope this helps! I'm going to go check Facebook, and then go back to FreeRice!

Brown CS Girl (:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Starbucks Sunday

Sunday Travels: Shopping at Rue 21, buying fries from Five Guys, Iced Cafe Mocha Venti from Starbucks and a new Starbucks Card, tanning on the Greek Quad, gymming, dinner, then

In the picture, two of my friends are working on their last programming assignment. That's my iced cafe mocha venti.

Brown CS girl :)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Weekends

The biggest difference between summer weekends and school year weekends is during the summer, you actually have free time on the weekend, whereas school year weekends are the same as weekdays minus the classes (although it's debatable how many of us go to classes on the weekday anyway).

Anyway, a typical weekend for me includes grocery shopping, normal clothes shopping, eating delicious food, cooking for the rest of the week, and anytime leftover is spent chilling :)

Today was spent working out and then watching the Spain-France match with a friend and eating Chipotle. To all my Spain fans, two words: Xabi Alonso (:

Onto grocery shopping,
Brown CS girl

Friday, June 22, 2012

It's Friday, Friday...

I won't finish the song. BUT IT'S FRIDAY. It's been a long week, and after 3 pm today, my motivation to do any work at all exponentially decreased . Thankfully, I didn't have to much longer. After 4:20, the office only had 4 people left in it. One was actually working, my boss and I were playing darts and talking about how my other boss was president of one of the frats that got kicked off of CMU's campus. And the other intern? Watching Euro Cup. Not a terrible Friday afternoon at all.

I'm currently waiting for the bus to arrive in the ridiculously warm Pittsburgh weather. Although, seeing as my office is probably colder than the Arctic, the heat isn't completely unwelcome.

Speaking of the heat, I unfortunately must congratulate the Miami Heat on their victory. OKC, I was rooting for you all the way, and there's always next year.

Until next time,
Brown CS Girl

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Feel free to leave comments!

I would love to hear what you, my amazing readers, have to say! And while I can't always promise that I'll publish the comments in a timely fashion, I will do my best.

Until next time,
Brown CS girl (:

Cooking at the AXO house

So a few of my friends are here over the summer, and they live in the AXO house. One day, they invited me over for grilled cheese and tomato soup, and because it was delicious and because I throughly enjoyed eating with all of them, we decided to have another "family" meal, except it was my and my friend Harsh's turn to cook. So last Sunday, Harsh and I went shopping for our family dinner, and decided that the night would be called pasta night! And so pasta we cooked. Appetizer was a delicious pasta salad and dinner was my personal favorite, spaghetti with marinara. It was a delicious meal with great company (:

A typical weekday for yours truly!

So currently, I'm sitting at work, and doing absolutely nothing. Why? I don't know. But I will go insane if I sit here for 8 hours on (which as a side public service announcement, please visit! They do good work) or learning about differential equations, so my lovely readers, you get not one, but two blog posts from me! And if you're lucky (or is it unlucky?), maybe more.

Now as your probably guessed from the title of this blogpost, this post will be about what my Mondays thru Fridays look like. While some may find it monotonous and mundane, I'm quite enjoying the neat little schedule I have going. Now if only this could translate over to the school year.

7:30 - This is when my first alarm goes off. I say first because while I attempt to wake up this early, I end up jumping out of bed only at 7:55 (or in today's case, at 8).

Between 7:30 - whenever-my-taxi-for-work-arrives-which-hopefully-is-no-later-than-8:30 - I get ready for work! Normally this just involves finding jeans and a clean t-shirt (I work at a tech startup, and tech companies are notorious for not having a dress code) and making lunch for myself. Yes, I cook. It's cheaper and to be honest, healthier and more delicious than eating Middle Eastern food or a sandwich every day (the only two restaurants walking distance from work). After making lunch, I've started making myself coffee in the morning, which I'm hoping doesn't turn me into one of those people that has a caffeine addiction (assuming, of course, that CMU hasn't done that to me already). Then, I wait. Until I get a call saying that my taxi has arrived. Now you might be wondering why on earth I take a taxi to work. The answer is twofold: one, the only bus that takes me to work is half a mile away from my house, and the only time that I can take the bus that would ensure that I make it to work on time is at 8:00, which means I would probably have to leave my house at 7:30 to make it on time (which considering that Pittsburgh transportation is very rarely on time, is a risk in and of itself), and second, it's around $10 for a taxi ride, which I figured is acceptable for me to spend every day, since most days, that is all that I spend.

Whenever-I-get-to-work to 5:00 - This is when I'm (supposedly) working. To be honest, out of the 8 hours that I'm at work, I solidly work for about 6.5 hours of them. The other 1.5 hours are spent either eating or taking a break from coding, which is surprisingly exhausting. I don't know how much I'm allowed to say about my work, so all I will say is that I spend 6.5 hours a day coding in PHP, Javascript, and/or HTML. And as much as I complain about coding, there is something extremely satisfying when your program works.

5:00 - I'M FREE. Those are the only thoughts in my mind as I run (erm "speed walk") out the door and attempt to make it to the bus stop on time. You see, after lunch, which is around 1, I lose all motivation to work. And once lost, motivation is very hard to regain. Anyway, I leave at 5 and make it to my bus stop around 5:05, which gives me approximately 10 minutes to wait for the bus. Hopefully it's only 10, although until I found this bus stop, the wait was anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. And in the burning heat, waiting an hour for the bus is terrible.

6:00 - Generally the time I get home. The bus drops me off at Craig Street at around 5:30, and I lazily walk back to my house, often walking through Gates because I a) love Gates b) like being able to check-in on foursquare in gates (I'm only slightly obsessed with foursquare) c) occasionally my friend in 150 is in gates. Speaking of which, yesterday, she was sitting outside the assistant dean of CS's office, and after I got there, the three of us had a conversation about drinking and speeding. It was strange having this conversation with my assistant dean, since hearing your assistant dean curse in every other sentence is slightly unnerving, but he was super chill and quite frankly, "a bro". Unfortunately, he is going to CMU's Campus in Qatar. We'll miss you MJS!

6:30 - Time to gym! Yes, I now workout. I originally had a bet with someone as to who could be more toned by the end of the summer (although I believe the exact words of the bet were "who would look better at the end of summer"), but now, I workout for me! I want to look toned and look good by the end of these three months, so that's what I'm doing. Generally consists of elliptical for 35 minutes, then machines for another 30ish minutes. By the time it's over, I'm dead, but hey, hopefully it'll all pay off.

8:30 - DINNER TIME. Normally rice + something or pasta, although occasionally, I do go out to eat. I prefer to eat by myself though, because I one, hate eating with people because I'm super self-conscious about the way I eat and two, that way I can watch TV.

Midnight - The time I try to go to bed. By going to bed at midnight and waking up at 7:30, that gives me 7.5 hours of sleep, and yet I still manage to be exhausted when I roll out of bed. How I sustained multiple nights of only 4 hours of sleep during the school year, I can't remember.

And that's it! A typical day in the week of yours truly. There are occasionally some variations (like when I have to go grocery shopping or eat dinner at 6:30 with people) but this is my summer life (:

Pittsburgh Summer

After a ridiculous number of days of not blogging, I have decided to once again, start. And so without any further ado, let this long overdue blog post begin!

This is my fourth week of being in Pittsburgh, and I have to say, being in Pittsburgh over the summer is much nicer than being in Pittsburgh during the school year. Don't get me wrong, I love and terribly miss all my friends and the long hours spent in Gates, but during the school year, there's nothing else to do other than work, eat, and sleep (in that order of priority, mind you). During the summer, I have come to appreciate the beautiful place that Pittsburgh is. And while I don't love it yet, it's definitely grown on me.